Hello Families,
Happily, the weather has been getting warmer and we have been able to get outside this week. As we move into the last week of February, we still need to be dressed for the weather.
This week we made anemometers in science to measure the speed of the wind, as we continued our study of the weather. In Literacy, students wrote their own stories, created comicstrip stories, and recorded each other telling their story. In math we focused on adding and subtracting decimals and fractions.
In social studies we focused on Black History Month. Students created Slide presentations about Black Canadians who as pioneers, contributed to change in racial attitudes towards people of colour. This week was Random Acts of Kindness week, so we discussed how small acts of kindness can make a difference in peoples lives.
We have been developing our ball control skills in soccer and continue to build our strength and stamina through running games. We created animal drawing, based on the work of artist Jason Carter, using black paper and white crayon - they look stunning!
Next Wednesday is Pink Shirt Day, so children are encouraged to wear a pink shirt to stand up against bullying. We plan to focus on this topic through inclusive play and building positive relationships.
Hope you manage to get outside and enjoy the warmer weather this weekend.
Mrs Coldbeck and the Grade 4/5Students of Room 14