Hello Families,
Another week has rolled past and we have been hard at work in class and have fun doing it. This week was compliment week in our class and the children have become adept at both giving and receiving compliments, so a very positive week. This tied in with our health focus on self-esteem and building positive relationships with others.
We continue to learn about fractions in math and have moved on to comparing and converting fractions and decimals. In science we looked at different weather phenomena and how it occurs, looking at the changing weather in Calgary through the week. Our focus on stories in Literacy saw us reading and re-telling a range of different genres. Next week we will be focused on story and character development, as we plan our our adventures.
We continue to study the artist Jason Carter, and we produced a further painting focused on creating shadow and shading to reflect light. Our study of of beautiful province looked at what we are famous for. We considered physical geography, industries, historical places, indigenous history and festivals.
Next week is a short week to accommodate Teacher Convention, so children will be in school from Monday to Wednesday, with no school on Thursday and Friday. The following week we have a holiday for Family Day, so students will return to school on Tuesday February 16th.
School reports are available now on-line for you to view.
Have a wonderful weekend and stay safe and warm.
Mrs Coldbeck and the Grade 4/5 students of Room 14