Friday, February 26, 2021

 Hello Families,

February seemed to slip by us too quickly, and we only have 4 months left of this school year! 

This week we studied clouds patterns in science and looked at predicting weather from them. In math we have been focused on money as it links to the work we have been doing on decimals, and we plan to continue with this next week. In literacy we continue to explore stories and how to write exciting tales ourselves. This week we have used Jamboard to start planning a visual story, which we will write and draw next week. I am excited to see how they turn out. 

Our art and health encompassed Pink Shirt Day this week, as we honour our peers by supporting positive relationships and standing together against bullying. We designed t-shirt to 'hang bullying out to dry!' In gym we are ending our focus on soccer, and will be moving on to traditional games. We began our 'Alberta Bound" project in social studies; this week we focused on the natural resources and physical geography of our beautiful province. 

Next week Nation Vision are visiting the school to carry out eye tests on those students who returned the permission form. If you still wish your child to have an eye test, please contact the office to obtain a consent form. 

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Coldbeck and the Students of Room 14

Learning Leader and Grade 4/5 Teacher

Friday, February 19, 2021

Hello Families,

Happily, the weather has been getting warmer and we have been able to get outside this week. As we move into the last week of February, we still need to be dressed for the weather.

This week we made anemometers in science to measure the speed of the wind, as we continued our study of the weather. In Literacy, students wrote their own stories, created comicstrip stories, and recorded each other telling their story. In math we focused on adding and subtracting decimals and fractions. 

In social studies we focused on Black History Month. Students created Slide presentations about Black Canadians who as pioneers, contributed to change in racial attitudes towards people of colour. This week was Random Acts of Kindness week, so we discussed how small acts of kindness can make a difference in peoples lives.

We have been developing our ball control skills in soccer and continue to build our strength and stamina through running games.  We created animal drawing, based on the work of artist Jason Carter, using black paper and white crayon - they look stunning!

Next Wednesday is Pink Shirt Day, so children are encouraged to wear a pink shirt to stand up against bullying. We plan to focus on this topic through inclusive play and building positive relationships. 

Hope you manage to get outside and enjoy the warmer weather this weekend. 

Mrs Coldbeck and the Grade 4/5Students of Room 14

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

 Hello Families, 

Today is the end of the school week as teachers convention begins tomorrow. Students return to school on Tuesday February 16th. Hopefully the weather will improve by next week. Please continue to send your child with weather appropriate clothing so they are ready to go outside when the weather warms up to more normal winter temperatures. 

This week we focused on adding and subtracting decimals in math. In literacy we planned and wrote our own story, using descriptive language. In science we continued our focus on the weather and conducted an experiment examining what happens when the air temperature is different. In social studies we began reading and discussing stories about Black History in Canada. We moved on to soccer in gym and continued our work on self-esteem in health. In art we used the skill of quilling to create masterpieces for Valentine. 

Friday is the deadline for ordering your Healthy Hunger Meals on line in time for next Wednesday. Your child has a note in their backpack if you need further details. 

If you still wish to take advantage of a free eye exam for your child in school, please return the form next week. 

Wishing you all a fabulous Family Day Weekend.

Mrs Coldbeck and the students of Room 14

Learning Leader and Grade 4/5 Teacher

Friday, February 5, 2021

 Hello Families,

Another week has rolled past and we have been hard at work in class and have fun doing it. This week was compliment week in our class and the children have become adept at both giving and receiving compliments, so a very positive week. This tied in with our health focus on self-esteem and building positive relationships with others.

We continue to learn about fractions in math and have moved on to comparing and converting fractions and decimals. In science we looked at different weather phenomena and how it occurs, looking at the changing weather in Calgary through the week. Our focus on stories in Literacy saw us reading and re-telling a range of different genres. Next week we will be focused on story and character development, as we plan our our adventures. 

We continue to study the artist Jason Carter, and we produced a further painting focused on creating shadow and shading to reflect light. Our study of of beautiful province looked at what we are famous for. We considered physical geography, industries, historical places, indigenous history and festivals. 

Next week is a short week to accommodate Teacher Convention, so children will be in school from Monday to Wednesday, with no school on Thursday and Friday. The following week we have a holiday for Family Day, so students will return to school on Tuesday February 16th.  

School reports are available now on-line for you to view.

Have a wonderful weekend and stay safe and warm.

Mrs Coldbeck and the Grade 4/5 students of Room 14