Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Happy Halloween Families,

Tomorrow is October 31, and in case your children haven't mentioned it, it is Halloween!!  To make it a pleasant day for everyone we have decided the following:
  1. Costumes may be worn all day but we do ask that they not contain anything scary, no blood, no masks and no weapons.  As Kindergarten may be seeing all the costumes throughout the day we do not want them to get scared.
  2. Costumes are not mandatory.  If you choose to wear one great, if not then no worries.
  3. Tomorrow is a regular day of classes.
Friday, November 1:
There is no school on Friday for the students.  The teachers are in school for Professional Development, but the students get a long weekend.  We look forward to welcoming your children back on Monday November 4th. 

TELUS Spark Field Trip - Thursday November 7th:
If you haven't already done so, please return your child's permission slip fully completed and the $6 cost as soon as possible. If you have a police check and are able to volunteer, please let us know as we are still looking for help.

Remembrance Day Assembly - November 8th
Your children will be participating in the Remembrance Assembly on November 8th and we would be delighted if you are able to join us, as we honour those who gave their lives. Further details will follow next week. 

Thank you and, as always,  please connect with us if you have any questions or concerns.

Libby Coldbeck
Grade 3/4 Teacher / Learning Leader

Friday, October 25, 2019

Weekly Update

Hello Families

It has been a busy first week back after the fall break as we start on new topics.
Grade 3 are investigating buildings and testing materials and design in science. In Social Studies they continue to consider Global Citizenship by comparing different communities.
Grade 4 students are building devices that move and levers in science. In Social Studies they continue to consider Global Citizenship in Canada focused on Alberta.In literacy, we are exploring traditional stories. In math we are learning about division and multiplication and the relationship between them.
Field Trip - We are going to TELUS Spark on November 7th. Please check your child's backpack for the forms; we would appreciate you returning them as soon as possible. We also require parent volunteers to accompany us, so please complete the form if you are able to assist. With the cooler weather now with us, please ensure your child has suitable clothing with them every day. Library books need to be returned each week please, and no later than two weeks. Just a reminder, there is no school next Friday, November 1st. 
Please enjoy your weekend and if you have any questions or concerns please connect with me.
Libby Coldbeck
Grade 3/4 

Friday, October 11, 2019

Hello Families,

This week we finished off our study of light and shadow in science with hands on activities to enhance our understanding. Talking of science, on November 7th we are taking our first Field Trip to TELUS Spark; we will be looking for volunteers, so if you have a current police check in place, please save the date! In math we started our work on division using manipulatives. We created some super inclusive art after reading Todd Parr's book, Love the World and had a wonderful conversation about what inclusion means and what it should look like in our school. As we approached the holiday weekend, the children designed their own holiday. I was blown away by the conversations we had, which resulted in some excellent writing capturing their ideas about a global holiday for children. They wanted to make sure all children around the world had access to food, an education, clothes and a safe place to live. You should be so proud! 
The children are definitely ready for a well-deserved break, and we look forward to seeing them all again on Monday October 21st. 
Thank you, Libby Coldbeck  

Friday, October 4, 2019

Weekly News

Hello Families

·      This week we have been learning about how Terry Fox made a difference in the world even though he was sick and how one person can make a such difference. We also discussed the terrible impact of residential schools on the Indigenous Peoples of Canada and learned about Phyllis Webstad’s Orange Shirt story.
·      Thank you to all our families who were able to join us for the Cappy Smart Community Potluck last night. What a fabulous evening sharing amazing food and conversation with families and students, all kicked off with our children singing together.
·      The Book Fair will continue for one more day on Monday. If you wish to attend, please come into school during the day or send some money with your child to visit the shop.
·      Parent teacher conferences are on October 10th and 11th. Please visit the following link to book an appointment to meet with me. Times are as follows  Thursday: 4:00 – 7:30pm & Friday: 8:00 – 1:00pm
To create an account - Parent Login Page 
·      Grade 3 students will be completing the Student Learning Achievement Test on Monday. If you have headphones they can use please send them in with your child. We do have some available in school.
·      There is no school next Friday October 11th; this marks the start of our week Fall break. We return to school on Monday October 21st

Thank you and enjoy the lovely weather this weekend