Thursday, June 17, 2021

 Hello Families,

We are getting close to the end of the school year and I want to thank you for your support during this  extremely strange school year.  It has been a joy to teach your children and watch their growth.

This week we have been focused on time in math, especially learning how to tell time with an analog clock. In science we have been learning about plants and how they grow. We are growing beans from seeds to watch the process. In social studies, we are building a large fort structure and a TeePee as we build on our knowledge of Alberta's history.  Using stones, we have created beautiful tree art,  connecting to natural materials. 

We will be saying farewell to our Grade 5 students as they move on to Grade 6.  We will be celebrating in-school next Friday, June 25th.  As per the letter that was sent out last week, we would like to show photographs of the Grade 5 students and would appreciate if you could email them to us as soon as possible.

On a sad note,  I will also be leaving Cappy Smart this year and moving to another school. It has truly been a pleasure to teach in this community.

Mrs Coldbeck and the students of Room 14

Learning Leader and Grade 4/5 Students