Hello Families,
Next week is the last week of school before the winter break. School finishes on Thursday December 19th and students return on Thursday January 9th. Next Thursday is a full day of school.
We will be having a Winter Celebration through song next Wednesday, 18th at 8:30 am and again on Thursday 19th at 1pm . You are invited to attend either of them.
The students have continued learning multiplication in math and how it connects to division. After the holiday we will begin learning about fractions. In art we have been engaging in seasonal designs. We have been engaged in yoga this week in gym, developing good posture while exercising as well as having fun.
In science the grade 4 /5 students have been focused on building and testing windmills and made connections with real life applications. The grade 3 students concluded their inquiry into buildings and materials by constructing a giant class bridge. There was amazing collaboration and team effort which produced a super structure.
In social studies, we concluded our study of Peru with the grade 3 students summarizing what they had learned and comparing it to Canada. In grade 4 and 5 they continue to learn about Alberta and Canada.
In literacy the grade 3's concluded their writing on Rapunzel by building towers and designing how to help her escape. In grade 4 and 5 the students continued writing their own creation stories after reading traditional tales.
We continue to appreciate you supporting your children to read every day. Please also remind your children to dress appropriately for our changeable weather.
Thank you and have a lovey weekend.
Libby Coldbeck
Grade 3 /4 Learning Leader